About The Project
Most Important Project Objectives:
The goal of our team is to provide a strength-assisting powered orthotic that will make lifting heavy objects easier and increase endurance for holding said objects using a form of actuation to mimic muscles and a frame to add structure.
Design/Result Expectations:
- The team must have a functional design by the end of the year, at minimum that is able to lift a paper cup. The prototype will be designed to increase strength and endurance for the user. This prototype should be usable for a variety of arm lengths and sizes.
- Ideas to make the arm lightweight include contouring the design to the arm on both sides, which will make the arm reversible as well, using lightweight materials like aluminium, and incorporating the motor to take the weight of the frame as well.
- The team should focus on the bio-mechanical design of an arm as compared to the frame to limit the loss of natural movement and flexibilty.
Prototype Expectations:
- A full scale prototype should be constructed.
- Identify key design features that will make this product more marketable.
- The prototypes goal is to lift and support twenty pounds, i.e. a thirty pound weight will feel like ten pounds.
- The prototype should be usable for different size arms to increase the base user market.
Resources Provided by Sponsor
- The budget is up to $1,400.